March 22, 2012

Sleep Frustration

Sleeping has been a challenge for my 2 1/2 year old son. The whole first year he was up between 2-5 times a night. At 1 we tried the Ferber method and it worked like a charm. He slept from 7-7 every night. Right before he turned 2 I had a miscarriage and we decided it was best for my son and I to move to SoCal to be closer to my husband who works as a firefighter down there, ( at the time we were living in NorCal with my parents) for two and a half months we bounced from one house to another every week or two. It was a nightmare on his schedule, although we tried to keep things "normal".

Then we found a place to rent for the last three months of fire season and we thought we could finally get back on such luck. It was so cold we had him sleep with us in our bed.... A big step backwards.

In January we decided to move back to my hometown and settle for good. Although we have created stability for him again, sleep has still been a big problem, whether it is naps or bed time. It doesn't help that my husband and I have different styles of parenting, a big obstacle as well.

We decided I would be in charge of bed time. I tried Ferber again, it did work at first until he remembered he had toys in his room. We didn't want him to have milk before bed because of cavities so we compromised with ice water, he would wake up wet from a leaky diaper. My husband and I would pat his back until he was a sleep then every time he woke up at night he would want us to pat until he went back to sleep.

I was becoming frustrated, especially since we have a baby on the way in June, we need this sleep thing fixed ASAP. So tonight I decided to do our normal routine then let him play until he passed out. At 9:30 he was begging for "night night" I told him to turn on his sleep sheep and pull up the blankets a go to bed. You know what.... He did!!!!!

Ohhhh momma's been played. Hoping this is the solution and it works long term.

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