November 30, 2012

Elf on the Shelf Day 6

Our thrill seeking Elf has done it again. Today he used my son's Christmas chain as a ladder to climb up our tree. It took us awhile to find him this morning, but when we did we all all got a giggle from his tricks. What will our clever Elf Mater think of next!

Our next fun Christmas project, that will start tomorrow, is the 24 days of Christmas extravaganza! I used my friend Jaimee's idea for this fun tradition.  I know my kiddos are sweet enough, well at least they will get enough sugar this next month, so I wanted to do something in lieu of the traditional candy advent calendar.  So we will try this instead. Of course it will be documented to see if it is a keeper or not. Here is the link to her idea and below is a picture of what we came up with. Hers, super fancy, our is simple. I pinned it up along our hallway because we don't have a mantel and I wanted it to be at Braydon's level.