February 1, 2011

A bunch of sickies

Last week Braydon started with a runny nose. I was hoping it was nothing but of course that was not the case.  Slowly one by one each of the household has fallen to sickness. First me with a sore throat then Christian woke up with a soar throat then my mom and me got sties in our eyes and now my Dad is home sick.  I love that one little guy can have such a profound effect on the whole family.

Braydon is a little trouper though. Although he is congested, has a cough and a little fever he is still running all over the place. Besides the brief tantrum he is rock star!

It is really difficult to feel like a good mom when all you want to do is curl up with some tea and take a really long nap. I hope we all get over this sickness soon!

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