January 28, 2011

Adventures on the Playground and Beyond

Not from the park today but I like the picture.
Things have been busy around the Labbee household. Christian is going back to school and is currently enrolled in Anatomy/Physiology and Pre Med. This will be a tough load for him to accomplish but I am sure he will do it!

Braydon and I are getting into a routine again. Monday we attend a Mom's group, Tuesday is Gymnastics, Wednesday is Story time and Music, Thursday I go to Bible study and Friday we go to the park or open gym or do crafts (This is when Christian's class is)  We get home from one of these activities and he eats lunch then takes a nap. After his nap is snack and a walk with Dad. While  the boys are out I get some Mommy time :) and then cook dinner. I am really enjoying being able to cook everyday and experimenting with new recipes. Then dinner, bath and bedtime and Christian and I get to spend some time together. So far this routine is working out great! It is a big adjust from us both working to us both being home all day. As much as I love my husband we both need some time to ourselves. Especially when we are sharing the house with my parents and our space is the same room. We are all continuing to adjust but it is still working.

I am excited to be settling in and meeting new people. I am looking forward to meeting more mom's in the area through these classes. We also started going to a new church where there seems to be a lot of young families. I really miss my friends in So Cal but for now I feel happy and at peace.

Today we explored a new park with Allison and Oliver. I can't believe how brave the boys are! They were climbing all over the jungle gym and Braydon even tried to go down the slide on his own. He couldn't quite master sitting on his bottom before going down the slide so we kind of just flung himself around and slid down on his tummy. Thank goodness the slide was small! I am glad he is so adventurous but it makes me nervous. He also loved the swings today.

Braydon is mastering more signs everyday and he used "up" "please" and "thank you" without being prompted on the playground. I was so proud. He is really turning into a toddler before my eyes. I am so glad I don't have to miss it.

Last night was an adventure all it's own. Braydon got his first real cut. He sliced his big toe on our sliding doors to the closest. It is about and inch long, of course I panicked and called the pediatrician who told us to keep neosporin on it and bring him in the next day.  This of course sounds easy but Braydon wants nothing to do with the neosporin or band aids or socks or shoes or really anything remotely close to his toe. If he even senses you are about to approach so called toe he goes into a fit! This recovery is going to be slow going.  So today when we went to the park he marched around in his slippers. Check this off as yet another thing I vowed never to do as a mother. Kids will not go out in any type of PJ looking clothes and look like a ragamuffin. Well, I was proud of my little ragamuffin today, slippers and all. Another life lesson for mom- LET IT GO.

If said toe incident wasn't bad enough we are having some complications with his circumcision. I won't go into details in case one day he reads this and is already mortified by the fact I brought it up.  But needless to say he was traumatized by the Doctor visit today to help correct the problem. The Doctor forces back the skin, causing Braydon to bleed and now he has a raw pee pee, a sore toe and bad attitude. Although I can't blame him I would be pretty pissed off as well.

All in all today was an adventure.

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