February 4, 2011

Sick taking care of the Sick

Mr. Sickie watching movies in bed with Mommy. He decided he wanted to wear his hat until nap time.

I have been trying to get over an awful cold for two weeks now. It first was in my sinuses and I was just about over it when Braydon's nose began to run. I hoped it was nothing but of course it has taken out all but one of our family members. Thank goodness Christian is home more, since he is in school, to help because as he gets better and Braydon gets better I am getting worse.

Today is one of Christian's classes which means I am home alone to care for our little sickie. Which I usually love, extra cuddle time, movies in bed - of course the occasional tantrum but whose counting. However, this time all I want to do is cuddle up with some hot tea, in my bed alone and nap. I am learning to harness strength and perseverance as a mom. There are no sick days you just press on with a cough drop in your mouth and sips of tea when you can get them, and if you have a really fantastic partner who will take the night shift, you can enjoy the occasional dose of NyQuil. 

Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining.  I love my family and would do anything for them, but today I am thinking fondly of the time when sick time was not luxury but expected with a cough. I hope our house all gets better soon.

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