March 13, 2011

Baby Blanket

My Grandma, Braydon's Nona, made my sisters and I special quilts when we were born. Mine had a yellow border and theirs had a  blue border. Each were comprised of different squares of baby objects/shapes that she had sewn on and then embroidered our name at the bottom.  Before Braydon was born she started his squares but never finished it. She gave the squares to me at my baby shower and asked me to complete it. Well, over a year later I finally got around to it. I tried making more squares with shapes but mine turned out awful! It is more difficult then I realized to sew a zig zag stitch around a duck! So instead I found some cute fabric I had and made matching squares and found some other fabric to make the backing. This quilt/blanket is no where near as nice as what my Grandma made me, but it is a nice combination of Nona and me that Braydon can keep. I might even attempt to sew his name and birthdate at the bottom. That is a project for a year from now.

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