December 23, 2010

Christmas Season so far in a nutshell....

It all started when I went to the OC to spend Thanksgiving with Christian on his days off. Our friends Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Craig lent us their house for the week.  Two days before Thanksgiving Christian noticed Braydon's ear was turning blue and then he spiked a fever of 102.7. We went to the ER to check it out. Turns out it was a spider bite that got infected. Only in our household :)  So we spent Thanksgiving at the house. We made a delicious dinner of BBQ chicken, green bean casserole, baked apples and pop. It was delicious. Braydon even helped Christian with the chicken.

After Braydon began to feel better we visited Disneyland to get out of the house. We took our Christmas picture (with Christian's phone since our camera died), visited toon town and saw the Christmas parade. We got great seats for the parade. While we were waiting and scoping out seats two guys came up to me to see if we wanted curbside seats in the heart of main st. Of course we jumped on the chance. We had to wait for 45min which in an eternity with a 1 year old. We fed him dinner, walked around but the 10 minutes he was done with waiting. I ended buying him a light up Mickey wand which entertained him until the parade started. We all loved watching the parade and building family memories.
The next week we visited with our friend Ginny and her three girls. We had a fun time with Daddy on his days off.

Unfortunately his days off turned into his lay off and we all drove home together.
Since we have been together at Grandma's we have a had a great time exploring. Braydon loves to play outside and discover nature. His favorites are pine cones and pine needles. We didn't have those in Southern CA.

Recently we have done things indoors to get ready for Christmas. We have baked Christmas cookies and assembled graham cracker houses. Braydon is enjoying the Christmas lights and I bet he will love opening presents as well.

It has been an adjust this year trying to blend my parent's traditions with our own family's traditions but we are all compromising.  For instance we do our baking during the day when we are home alone, and we are making our traditional steak and twice baked potato Christmas Eve dinner while my parent's are at the Christmas Eve service and we are doing our stocking with Braydon early in the morning and Grandma's stocking with everyone and we swamped out the holiday bread and Cinnabuns for cinnamon french toast to help Christian and I stay on track with our diets. All in all everyone is enjoying the Holidays.

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