February 7, 2011

Private Super Bowl Party!!!!!

One of our few family pictures. I am usually on the otherside of the camera.
The Labbee clan had our own private Super Bowl party. It was a lot of fun. I made some simple table decorations and we made munchies to keep us going during the long game. Of course I really watch the Super Bowl for the commercials and half time show but since I am out numbered in my family- guys 2 girls 1 I have a feeling I will be watching a lot more Super Bowls and will actually need to understand and watch the game.

This year we were rooting for the Packers, again I don't really care who wins but I found if I pick a team to root for I can actually enjoy watching, so this year it was the Packers. It was great when the won!! I also enjoyed watching Braydon through his football around like the players and he seemed to really enjoy watching the plays and the half time show. He even cheered when they made touch downs.

Now that my life is filled with males the Super Bowl is one of many changes that are happening in my life. Who knows I might actually follow football next year and care who is playing... well at least I will give it a try. I hope you all had a fun at your Super Bowl parties too!

Pre-Game with Daddy

Helping make snacks

Snack Table

Braydon wiping his mouth after eating Dad's homemade salsa

Chips... Yes Please

Trying to get a picture with Braydon. He is was more interested in the game and his Taquito.

Stole a kiss anyway.

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